
PSTN rates

Select country:
Country Network Prefix Cost per minute
United Kingdom Special 44118343 0.3458 USD
Special 44118181 0.3458 USD
Special 44118178 0.3458 USD
Special 44118006 0.3458 USD
Special 44118005 0.3458 USD
Landline 44 0.0266 USD
United States Premium 1976 13.3000 USD
Alaska 1907 0.0226 USD
Premium 1900 13.3000 USD
Toll Free 1888 0.0130 USD
Toll Free 1877 0.0130 USD
Toll Free 1866 0.0130 USD
Toll Free 1855 0.0130 USD
Hawaii 1808 0.0130 USD
Toll Free 1800 0.0130 USD
Sint Maarten 1721 0.1330 USD
Mariana Islands 1670 1.3433 USD
All 1 0.0130 USD
Uruguay Mobile 5989 0.2261 USD
Landline 598 0.0798 USD

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